Futurescapes Workshop
Was privileged to participate in the March Futurescapes speculative fiction workshop this month. Received some great critiques on the first pages of my WIP novel, tentatively titled, “Last Days of a Prince.” It’s a twist on the Dracula story. Feedback was very encouraging which provided a nice kick in the pants to keep working on it. Met a few really cool new writer friends, Mackenzie and Mark, in particular.
Each year in January, I set the goal of getting 100 rejections for the year. This year has been especially fruitful in that respect. The first novel, tentatively titled, “Time Lost,” a time travel story, has been out a few times searching for an agent. Several short pieces have also made the rounds of magazines without finding a home. As Stan Lee used to say in the early days of Marvel Comics–Excelsior! Or to quote Vonnegut–“And so it goes.”
Also want to give a shout out to Write Pittsburgh and to Sam and Christine, who run that online workshop. Thanks for not running away screaming as you read my stuff.