March 2025

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

We moved to Virginia in July 2024. Some ways it was exciting, other ways it was traumatic. So many things to accomplish: finding new doctors, changing address’s on everything (you don’t realize how many things have to be changed), setting up new utilities, driver’s license, health insurance. It can be and was overwhelming.

Good things–new house although smaller. Had to get rid of tons of things as we scaled down. Much closer in distance to our adult children. Adjusting to new surroundings, (we really love Short Pump/Glen Allen area).

Writing took a huge back seat for months. Setting up computers and FIOS which is really nice and reliable helped a lot. As are norm, we came to Cape Coral, FL for the winter months and so finally able to have time to write, play guitar and relax a little.

Dracula novel is moving slowly but have completed several short stories and starting to send them out. Had one new short piece published in October last year. I’ll put a link to it in published stories.

Joined two new writing groups: James River Writers and Speculative Fiction Writers. Getting good feedback from both.

I promise more posts on a regular basis from this point on.

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