January 2021

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

It’s cold. This last six years or so we’ve wintered on the gulf coast of Florida. Because of COVID, we opted not to travel there at this point. West Virginia, although seeing increased cases is still better than FL. And, WV is doing a better job, at least for now, of rolling out the vaccine. […]

Sunshine Superhighway

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Have had a few more stories published since September. The Sirens Call ezine published two stories in their Halloween issue, “Desire of Vampires” and “Order Now For Free Shipping.” I’ll put up a link in the Links To Published Things, tab. The Sirens Call is free to download and read. This one is a huge […]

December 2020

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

We have decided to stay in West Virginia until vaccines are available and so I am once again shoveling snow and braving the cold. On the positive side, we can decorate a little more for holidays. Florida sunshine even with tons of colored glowing Christmas lights is not quite the same. On a cold blustery […]

September 2020

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

September 3, 2020, Thursday morning. It has been raining the last few days here in north West Virginia and the humidity is up pretty high. We’ve been staying home except to do curbside pickup of groceries and occasional drive-thru. Like everyone else, I wish life could get back to some semblance of normal. To actually […]

Back In West Virginia

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Left Florida because cases were spiking around 2K per day and hotels and fast food places were taking precautions to prevent spread of COVID 19. Two day drive to get home. Days spent cleaning and catching up. Surprised and honored win 2nd place in WV Writer’s short story contest considering the quality of the competition. […]

April 8, 2020

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

We are in Florida until the crises of the Covid Virus passes. Don’t want to take chances on travel in these uncertain times. In the mean time, I knocked off a little story, a twisted piece of flash fiction that is about falling. It’s called, “Can Man” and you can find it here in Story […]

What a writer does when forced to write.

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Check Facebook. Check email. Do some online shopping. Play guitar. Clean. Run Vacuum floors. 10:45 PM suddenly inspired to write but now can’t stay awake.


By rgeneturchin.books No comments

My folks bought this typewriter for me when I was in high school. I carried it through college and wrote a few papers on it. Carted it around in its gray plastic case for years until electronic typewriters came out. Never did do well with them. Word processors save me. With this old Royal I […]

ElectroMagnetic Press

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

EMP is run by two friends, Mark and Gary. Their labor of love produces comic books and now an annual magazine called, MISCELLANIA. https://electromagneticpress.com/


By rgeneturchin.books No comments

This last year has been hard as a writer, the dark shade of rejections piled up without any sunlight poking through the clouds for months until just recently when two stories were accepted. One had made 17 journeys out and back before an editor liked it. This is a test of column 2