Mid June 2024

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Moving and other things. After 40+ years in the same house we are moving to a different state and a shiny new home. One reason is to be closer to Becca and Erik. It’s a 55+ community near Richmond. Have spent the last month packing, donating and throwing the residue of life away. Good memories […]

Late April 2024

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

So a lot of things have happened and I got behind. Had a swollen cornea which would not go down with standard eye drop meds and required a corneal transplant. The first one in early December of 2023 didn’t take and after about three weeks surgeon did a full transplant. This one seemed to heal […]

February 2024

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

A new year, working on the Dracula novel. Wrote a couple of new short stories and sent them out into the world. Sending stories and poems out–you think it is your best work until you look at it six months or a year later and wonder: what was I thinking? Who wrote this crap? Thing […]

December 2023

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

The Monsters Next Door anthology. This was published in August of this year by Critical Blast. Delighted to be included is such great company. All the stories are top notch and well written. Would love to hear comments on the story.

August 2023

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

So, I’ve been negligent with posts. The novel takes a lot of time and I really haven’t sent out many short pieces. That said the novel, my own twist on Dracula is coming along. Right now we are vacationing at the beach and I have intentions of using this time to kick out about 20K […]


By rgeneturchin.books No comments

I keep a spreadsheet of all the stories I send out and track rejections from the beginning of the year. So far this year the running number is 17 as of this date. Two slightly positive rejections out of that lot. One story, “A Pit of Unicorn Ashes,” made it through the first round of […]

Futurescapes Workshop

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Was privileged to participate in the March Futurescapes speculative fiction workshop this month. Received some great critiques on the first pages of my WIP novel, tentatively titled, “Last Days of a Prince.” It’s a twist on the Dracula story. Feedback was very encouraging which provided a nice kick in the pants to keep working on […]

February 2023

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Welcome to the new year. We came down to Florida in early January. It was heart wrenching to see the damage from hurricane Ian. Our street and the entire block around the condo complex was circled by a four foot high mound of trash–stuff that had been removed from the first floor units that had […]

December 2022

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

I’ve been focused on trying to finish two novels, one about dragons living in the forest above Asheville, NC and the second, a twist on the Dracula story. The dragon story is not working and I’ve decided to put it away for a while. These things happen, what you visualize in your head doesn’t translate […]

October 2022

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

I have been remiss in postings. Life gets in the way, things with house, which always seems to need something done, outside work and just things in general, that is, the practical side of life. On the positive side of things, we were able to see Hamilton at the Kennedy Center in earlier September with […]