
By rgeneturchin.books No comments

A good month. Two published works at the end of May and first week of June. Both are literary (not my usual fare. The first, a story called, “A Prediction of Rain,” published by the Novus Literary Arts Journal, was a bit floating around in various incarnations for a few years. Quite pleased with the […]

April 2022

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Have a few new stories coming out over the next month or so. There will be a new story, interview podcast and reading of my story, “Ghost Bike” sometime next month. I’ll talk about the other pieces when they get closer to publication. Meanwhile, I was looking to submit a flash piece to a market […]

March 2020

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Haven’t posted much because I’ve been furiously working on the novel which is moving pretty well. We’re in Florida for the winter and there are less house distractions but more social distractions but the writing has gone well. Also have sent out a bunch of short pieces and most have come back with rejections but […]

December 2021

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Christmas day. Yesterday, received an email from the Strangely Funny Anthology publishers, expressing interest in a story I’d sent them. That was such a great Christmas Eve gift. Looking forward to seeing that particular story in print. Will keep posts up to date on progress. Meanwhile, it’s been a long road but the anthology horror […]

September 2021

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

It has been a long summer. First there was the relief of vaccines and then the Delta variant landed. I think we had about two weeks of a touch of freedom. Had breakfast twice at McATeers, a local eatery and then became reluctant to go out again. Cases in West Virginia are skyrocketing once more. […]

March and a new story

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

Two thirds of the way through March and we’ve both had our vaccines so there is a feeling of relief. March started with a new story published in Cosmic Horror Monthly, issue #9, my attempt to invoke the ambiance and feel of HP Lovecraft but in a more contemporary setting. I hoped to produce the […]

The Heart of Winter, February

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

It has been cold and dreary and this is the first winter we’ve not spent in the warmth of Cape Coral. We opted not to make the trip this year because of COVID concerns. Turns out to have been a wise choice as we both have received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Have two […]


By rgeneturchin.books No comments

A drabble is a new phenomenon. It’s a story constructed with 100 words or less. If Flash fiction is tough at 1K or less words, then drabbles magnify that. It’s a good exercise–beginning, middle and end in a 100 words or less.


By rgeneturchin.books No comments

If you want to make a comment on a story or two, scroll all the way to the bottom of the listing of stories in “Links to published stories” and there will be a space to post comments. Later I may be able to separate them out for the individual stories.

January 2021

By rgeneturchin.books No comments

It’s cold. This last six years or so we’ve wintered on the gulf coast of Florida. Because of COVID, we opted not to travel there at this point. West Virginia, although seeing increased cases is still better than FL. And, WV is doing a better job, at least for now, of rolling out the vaccine. […]